
Cozy Tapes - Fleece Loungewear

Every winter a trip to the fabric store includes waiting for thirty minutes to an hour to get your fabric cut because people are cutting fl...

Every winter a trip to the fabric store includes waiting for thirty minutes to an hour to get your fabric cut because people are cutting fleece to make blankets. This winter was no different, anyone and everyone was in store buying fleece to make blankets for their children, grandchildren and I even think dogs.

I didn't go in looking to buy any fleece but when I saw something pink with Marie from The Aristocats I knew I had to have it. My sister has always said Marie reminds me of her but I still have to decide that.
I've never sewn fleece before or at least I can't remember ever sewing it but I knew it wouldn't be far from sewing fur. The best way to cut it is the same way you cut fur, each yarn individually to avoid a mess. I didn't have time for that so I had to vacuum after each cut and after sewing. My apartment basically looked like a fleece factory.

Besides cutting, the sewing of the pants and top were pretty normal, just remember to overlock the edges. As I mentioned many people use fleece for blankets so the garment feels like you are wearing one. Super comfortable and warm. 

The shoes are Royal Pervaders from Reebok. I am not a big fan of colour sneakers just because I think white or cream sneakers go with anything and everything but I had to get these. It was also the first time I did a slick bun the whole year.

Loungewear has become a staple this year during lockdown and this set is definitely my favourite. If you want a cozy set that keeps you warm during the cold fronts, I recommend getting something in fleece. 10/10 recommendation.

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