Black Will Always Be The New Black
15:42Its always been time for Black Supermodels to rise. However I think they are rising higher now than they ever have been.
Pale, Blonde and Blue Eyes ... been there done that. I want to see Coffee, Brunette and Brown Eyes.
One thing that I've come to realise is that black models (I don't use the word African) are never part of the riff raff. They are always on top of the stack, they always become Supermodels. I think this is because there are so little of them. They probably make up 5% no 2% of the modelling population.
I think being a black model has so many complications. If you are too dark everyone immediately crowns you as the new Alek Wek which means you will never live up to your own title.
If you are too light, you might not even be cast as a black model. You'll be cast in a Tommy Hilfiger advertisement with a whole lot of other white models. To me it always seems as if the black models in Tommy Hilfger advertisements are just put there as decoration. And they always choose the most exotic looking ones. Not the pure, black-on-both-sides blacks from the roots of Africa, oh no! Unless you Naomi Campbell. Then it's your genetic right to appear in any advertisement or else the managers will see a Blackberry coming their way.
Let's play Spot The Black Model in The Ad Campaign:
Let's take a look at some of the most famous black models.

I'm sure if you re-arranged the words Naomi Campbell you could spell dramatic. Even though she is higly dramatic she was probably the first Black-Diva-Supermodel.
Her fierce personality definetly comes through in all photographs and catwalks (besides the photograph below and above). But I prefer the Diva Naomi, she's so much better than the smiling happy Naomi.
Most black models owe Naomi a thank you as she put them on the map.

One of the people that Naomi put on the map is Tyra. I think she is beautiful. Most people don't. This is because they are jealous and jealous people will always find something wrong. "Her forehead is too big. She's fat." You can say whatever you want but when you the first African-American (can't stand that word) to appear on a Sport's Illustrated you are allowed to have haters.
Unfortunately her modelling career is over. Not because she's fat, because she has found better things to do like America's Top Model. I'm not sure if she is a better businesswoman or model? You can be the judge of that.

I'm too young to know Iman as a young model. I know her as David Bowie's model wife. But because I don't know her as a model means that she might of been the pioneer in the black modelling world. Is she the first black supermodel or is it Naomi? Once again you can be the judge.
Can I just add that she and David Bowie have a beautiful child. I would steal that child and call her mine.

So you want to know what fabulous looks like, just take one look at Kimora and you know. I don't think Kimora made it into the Black Supermodel Club. She joined the Rich Husband Club. The first time I heard about Kimora, I didn't know her as a model, I knew her as Russel Simmon's wife. And yes she has made a lot of her own money but she has Russel to thank.
It's unfortunate that she wasn't really known as a model but when you runaway with a 30 year old Hip Hop Mogul at 17, you won't be known as a model.

I would always open up my mom's magazine's when I was younger and I always saw this lady advertising for Estee Lauder. I had no idea who she was. It was only years later when I found out who this Ethiopian beauty was. I think she is one of the most elegant models, black or white. She is just absolutely breathaking and her muslim inspired looks have changed the way people look at Ethiopians and Somalians. In twenty years to come she will still be beautiful.
I think why she is one of my favourites is because she doesn't look like a model. She isn't scarily anorexic and she displays no diva antics.

She is my favourite new model. I love her. She's my age and I can tell. I think that's what I love about her. Everyone is always trying to be 10 years older and she is acting her age. I think she will take over from Liya and Iman. I say this because they all have the same features.
However I do hope that she will also take over from the likes of Kate Moss and Lily Cole. I'm hoping that she will be the first black model to merge the difference. Let's be honest, there still is a divide when comparing Black and White models and hopefully Chanel makes that divide disappear.

She's another Chanel but she is from Europe. Also very young (and with child - shocking) she has been at the forefront of catwalks for sometime now. I don't think she has the potential to be as great as Chanel but they are both in the same league.

A Victoria Secret Model, is she the new Tyra? No, I don't think so. She doesn't have enough diva and versatility to be so. That's why she is Selita. I think one of the most beautiful black models of the 21st Century. It's just unfortunate that I could find someone else that looks like her in an hour. She doesn't have any distinct features. Maybe being engaged to Nick Cannon is one.

My all time favourite black model. No weave, no wig, no extensions, no fake ... just real. She's 33 but you wouldn't have known because black don't crack but with added fake-ness it will.
When people think of black models they think of Tyra and Naomi. But did they forget to realise that they are both trying to imitate the look of a white woman? They all wear these long weaves and eventually start looking Indian.
With Alek it's real all the way. I say viva to her and I wish that woman looked at her as a reference for beauty, not these glamazon queens.

When I grow up I want to live in a time were I don't have to do separate Google Searches for models. Black Models or just Models - white only.
When I grow up I want all black models to look the way there were supposed to look from birth.
When I grow up I don't want black people dividing black people into different skin tones.
When I grow up I don't want to be writing a blog and black models only.